Carl's Grill Talk

Answers to All Your Gas Grill Repair & Maintenance Needs!

LP to Natural Gas Conversion

 Reattach all orifices

7. Reattach all orifices and any gas lines disconnected duringthis process. Be sure to check all fittings for leaks with the grill valves off but pressure on from the gas line. Also check the connections in the gas lines opened with the grill valves on and burners lit.

8. Before putting the flame tamers back in check your main burners for the correct flame which should be blue and lit as soon as the gas exits the burner. Use the air shutter if the flame is yellow by opening. Closing the shutter will make the flame yellow and slower.

9. When you’re sure you have no leaks and the flames are consistent you can put the grill back together and you’re ready for use.


10. REMEMBER! Converting your grill to natural requires opening gas lines and safely reconnecting them.Failure to safely do your work could result in fire and injury! If in doubt, get an appliance tech to do the work.